so...i know this is random.
nevertheless, i feel compelled to post this public service announcement.
i love the leggings trend. it is quite comfortable and flattering for some body types.
however, i am noticing another trend that is quite uncomfortable and unflattering to behold.
ladies, unless you are trying to look a mess, with your business on front street, please consider the following about this trend:
leggings, in order to look good, classy, and flattering must be worn with a longer top. tunics work well. the top must cover your behind. the above pic is a good example of what the trend done properly looks like.
if you are out in public wearing leggings with a top that does not cover your bottom, please know that folks can see right through them! especially, when they are the cotton/spandex blend.
this random post was born of the eyesores i am seeing with alarming frequency that are walking around with their behinds out, some even commando. it seems the wearers are misreading the stares as positive attention.
consider this a public service announcement written in the interest of ...
...self love~ self acceptance~ SELF RESPECT