
Friday, February 28, 2014

brain the interest of clarity...

first began writing this a couple of days ago.  feel compelled to post it today.  thank you Father for the guidance this beautiful Sabbath evening...

Sabbath Shalom all;)

i AM spending the evening listening to all kinds of music;) David danced.  reading His Word +  giving Yah full PRAISE!!!

'cause only He/His Word is worthy.   

it is my prayer that more will seriously look to honor Him/His Word and keep set apart the Sabbath.  this is the 7th day of rest as indicated in Scriptures.  it is actually the 4th of the 10 Commandments.  only Good could possibly come of our Obedience to Him/His Word, His People/my people.  

whenever i speak with someone and they have a Sabbath full of work on tap...

i cringe in the spirit, way deep inside;(   

here's why:



Exodus 20: 8-11 

8   Remember the sabbath day, to keep it set apart.

9   Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10  But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Sovereign thy Almighty:  in it thou shalt not do any work, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11   For in six days the Sovereign made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:  wherefore the Sovereign blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 


this one right here: 

he is messing folk UP.

it's like he and his super deeep nonsense is being used in vain + foolishly to try to kill Almighty;( 

to put Him to sleep;( 

as if.

those real educated folk following his belief system seem to want everyone else to adopt the ssshhh! position.

despite Him/His Word clearly stating that His will Overcome by their testimony.



Revelation 12: 10-11 

10   And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our Almighty, and the power of his Messiah:  for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our Almighty day and night.  

11   And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Revelation 12:17- And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Almighty, and have the testimony of Yahushua Messiah.

Revelation 17: 12-14 

12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

13  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

14   These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Sovereign of sovereigns, and King of kings:  and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.


how many times will folk call Almighty, the Law and the prophets a lie?  such blasphemy will never stand.  only a defeated dupe fool or defeated lying devil could ever confess that it would.  nor will those standing on the nonsense deeeep man thoughts, Stand, either.

that's the sinking sand written of in Scriptures, folk;(  truly we perish for lack of Knowledge.  His Word Knowledge...not the man made modified stuff.

His People/my people, it is Messiah Himself speaking:



Matthew 7: 21-29  

21   Not every one that saith unto me, Sovereign, Sovereign, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22   Many will say to me in that day, Sovereign, Sovereign, have we not prophesied in thy name?  and in thy name have cast out devils?  and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23   And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you:  depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24   Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock;

25   And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock.

26   And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell:  and great was the fall of it.

28   And it came to pass, when Yahushua had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:

29   For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.


it is my fervent prayer that Almighty will be magnified.  that He/His Word will compel others to look to Him/His Word, that we might not be deceived.  this is my soul's prayer in the Mighty Name of Yahushua Messiah.

this is true + the prayer for any post that He leads me to publish here.
this jumped out at me today or yesterday...

the days are beginning to run together.  there is so much in my head + spirit that needs to come out.

so much to be done that it becomes a bit much to determine what next to do.  without hesitation, i call out and ask You to show me.  guide me Father.  bring me on into where You want me to be...right on time.

not sure if that makes sense to anyone else.  where they are in their journeys for now.

i saw this recently and it seemed right on time:

"the weak can never forgive.  forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Ghandi

  forgiveness is where i struggle for now.

which causes me to truly fear and tremble when i think of Almighty Yah.  He...i cannot fool.

He knows what i think before i can finish deciding what that is.


so the prospect of having residual "f you or f ya'll" in my heart= all bad.   f stands for forget;)...if i wanted to backpedal a bit.  but i already covered how i can't fool the most important One of all.  so still i must get Right. 


then i still have to repent for even explaining it that way. 


that's how unforgiveness breaks down to for me, though.  a decided case of what is described above in quotes. 

you know what it is?


this particularly when the offense come from family.  or those closest.

i AM forever grateful that there are no sneak attacks with Him/His Word.



Matthew 10:36 - And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


amein and amein.

Yah has not ever lied.

  i AM thankful for all experiences, through it all.  the sum of these experiences make me who i AM, in Him.

so, as i work out my salvation, learn to stop cussing folk out in my head while trying to forgive 'em, hold tight to my crown + hope, and to the very best of my ability walk in Love, Him/His Word.

i will meditate to the wisdom of the thoughts below.  below is what i long to do with folk that appear rather stuck on serpent, sin or stupid.

they just seem hell bent to ride and die.

two times.  

despite the rather long brain the interest of clarity...

i still have questions about the silence nugget above.  however, as they say, "rome was not built in a day".  so i will leave it at pray for me as i for you.

as we head on into...


Wednesday, February 26, 2014



this is what the Universe now gives me.  a test. 

some days it feels like i am doing better than others with the whole project.

other days when maximum levels of patience have been depleted...

;(  not so much.   

it truly feels like this:

   which really isn't my call when being tested. 

you know?


Psalm of King David;)



Psalm 9: 1-3, 11, 15, 20 

1   I will praise thee, O Sovereign, with my whole heart;  I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.

2   I will be glad and rejoice in thee:  I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.

3  When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence.

11 Sing praises to the Sovereign, which dwelleth in Zion:  declare among the people his doings.

20  Put them in fear, O Sovereign: that the nations may know themselves to be but men.  Selah.


   while this gets done.  slowly but surely...

for those that like to rush me along;) 

while i can appreciate the put ya foot on the gas friendly reminder...please know:

He is helping me not to be ms chop chop!!!  let's move this along. 


Momma said slow things down;) 

so i pray...slow me down Almighty, since i should be anxious for nothing.  show me Your Way that You might get the Glory.  for only You, Father, are worthy. 

in keeping with Your...



Phillippians 4: 6-7,9, 13 

6   Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto Almighty.

7   And the peace of Almighty, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Messiah Yahushua.

9   Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard and seen in me, do:  and the Almighty of peace shall be with you.

13   I can do all things through Messiah which strengtheneth me.



in other words...

we win!!! 

since this is the outcome of our testimony according to what is written...Him/His Word i choose to Believe.

not what i see or feel.  particularly when some days i feel like this:



2 Corinthians 12: 15 - And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved. 



then Almighty showed me this that i might Stand in His Light of Understanding, as it relates to haters:



1 Corinthians 2:13-16 

13   Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Set Apart Spirit teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14   But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Almighty, for they are foolishness unto him:  neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  

15   But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.  

16   For who hath known the mind of the Sovereign, that he may instruct him?  But we have the mind of Messiah.


it is all Good.

Almighty indicates that i should learn better how to sit back and let things come to me.  instead of pushing so hard...

i AM still learning how to let go...and Trust more completely. 

still learning how to get out of the way.

still learning how to be an empty vessel.

that i might be fully used of Him. 

pray for me as i for you, in Messiah's Mighty Name while i learn. 

'cause we need each other as we head on into... 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

UNplug your ears...

wrote about this originally here:

for the purpose of this message...i will pull out the video and urge folk to watch it:

the above information seems pretty straight forward + it seemed that some background information would only be wise.

saw the below video awhile back...been toying with the notion of sharing it with others for awhile now.  despite there being so much that makes me want to shout out my frustration with all the idolatry in the video.

;)  not literally.  i just find all that distracting- all things considered, that's all.  

honestly, i had rather written Farrakhan off, as another one that can only get fiYah in his belly when addressing white folk + Black women.  i mean he can actually see that Rihanna is repping a "filthy" agenda.  when it is time to address Black men he routinely starts acting as if he is addressing little girls + can't see. 

that + this below = too much for fp.  really?  so tune out= next step.  i really don't look for ways to be annoyed;) 



nevertheless, i will share the information.  because there is enough Truth to link to...though i urge souls to take no one's word for it. 

read,study, search the Scriptures for yourself, as it is written.



2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto Almighty, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


i Understand that folk will need to work out their own salvation. 

it is my understanding that the noi has been infiltrated by the church of scientology.  this is shared not to throw salt.  but to inform.  this speaks volumes for those of US in the know.  my prayers are with all the souls that are seeking His Face.

what is of interest to me is Farrakhan with a Koran in one hand + a Bible in the other.  teaching folk about who the Real Hebrews are...teaching folk the Truth about what is written.  i appreciate Farrakhan's message in this video.

for the record:

i tried to support Dave Chapelle.  he clearly was hurt by a bw at some point in his peculiar looking journey.  as such, he did not miss an opportunity to register his contempt for bw in his skits.  he seemed only to be able to draw the line when the ptb (powers that be) wanted his Black behind to wear a dress.

how convenient, Black man.

that said:



Matthew 6:24- No man can serve two masters:  for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve Almighty and mammon.


may more wake, wise up + UNplug your we head on into...



on 2/18/14 @ 9:25am:

just want to say for the record...

if folk are phoning in their parenting, mailing checks, or the state is mailing checks for them + they only show up for the "big events", etc.

though the standards among sound asleep Blacks = nonexistent.  therefore you are labelled with the quickness as the "good" dad.  just as the non-imprisoned BM is automatically "good" + other random nuggets of solid proof the the Black collective is spiritually + mentally on a solid lock down.

here is what you need to know:

you are not parenting.

you are skating through the project, pretending + putting off all the heavy lifting for the woman dumb enough to birth your children.

i pray to see the day when baby daddies are held in the same disdain/contempt as their female counterparts.  because as it stands, those with multiple baby mamas- though one is plenty- ( which simply means the joker in front of you does not know when to get serious.  he is a basturd + clearly is committed to making mo'.  literally.)  will actually fix their mouths to give their little opinion about the condition of women.  these basturds + basturd makers (understanding men control marriage) won't let stuff like having a daughter interrupt their womanhood disrespect horror show.  all while pretending to be "good" because they write checks + call from time to time.

this post was written from a place of utter disgust.

after foolishly attempting to dialogue with a basturd + basturd maker from 20 years in the past.  ugh.

then having another basturd + basturd maker dare to try to judge me while pretending he hasn't been skating + surrounding himself with woMEN.  they are so man-like...he doesn't ever have to/ nor will he...bother to act like one.

despite having first hand solid knowledge that his brethren would keep him PLENTY busy, should he decide to go let all the yuck in mouth out in their direction...this lost soul keeps coming for me.



thank you.

know that it is Love that has me share with you this Truth:

men already have dominion.  there is no need to employ perverted means.

when you do this with me...

shutting you down in Him/His Word with full Power, in Messiah's Name = my duty. 

i AM too old- ancient, in fact + see too clearly, at this point.

though working on Patience, suffering fools gladly/wasting time is not on my To Do list.  

just as while reading about Chinese sexist demons drowning the daughters of their nation- while esteeming the mind went directly to, "who, will the sons marry?"

watched as others caught up to that logic, years later.

i see clearly where this will go as well for humanity.

destroy the women= it's a wrap on humanity. 

i AM without apology coming through to help His People/my people.  with a focus on BW/Bgs.  since our protectors are now, in staggering numbers- proud:



look around then lie about it, if the Truth is just not in ya.  wanna see hell on earth?  peek behind the "marriage" curtain.  married men have more girlfriends/boyfriends than the singles...just a plague fest all the way around.


any devil- white devils, black devils, any devil will need to know...

He/His Word gives me Messiah's full Power.

you would do well to consider this notice:


                            "we need to teach our daughters to distinguish between:

a man who flatters her and a man who compliments her,

a man who spends money on her and a man who invests in her,

a man who views her as property and a man who views her properly,

a man who lusts after her and a man who loves her,

a man who believes he's a gift to women and a man who believes she's a gift to him.

and then...

we need to teach our sons to be that kind of man."



Leviticus 19:29 - Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.


long has the Black man in america boasted of "pimpin'" the daughters of his own nation.

long has the Black man in america held a code of silence re: all the license many Black men have given themselves as it relates to the daughters of the nation. 

such being the case...

i don't really address Black men on the topic, anymore, expecting much to change.

just recently had to  boldly re-cast + insert a man's mother + daughter in the place he had cast me...for a double portion of misogynistic hatred/dehumanization/degradation.  promptly i suggested he go talk all his yang to his mother + daughter...since he thought it made such great sense to talk the defeated mess to me.

when he took offense- as anticipated (lol!)...i suggested he knock it off with other folks' mothers + daughters as well.  haven't spoken with that clown since.  may silence be kept until he fixes his mouth + manners when addressing me.  i want to believe his mother taught him better.  though he freely concedes he has taught himself how to be a man. 

i AM too old- an ancient soul + the chronological put me well past 23- so not much that the average man is spouting out loud strikes me as genius.  like it did when i was 23.  i understand why old, crusty, foolish men prefer young women.  like those in the 50 + sniffing behind teens and early twenties women.  folk may keep pretending it is about procreating + building families if they just love lies.   the average man today is emotionally/mentally unfit to interact with grown women + most disinterested in building a family with anyone.  those of US that are perfectly in tune with our femininity...are not trying to be neutered in order to get along with the modern man offerings.

i AM too old to play for long with other folks' improperly trained/schooled sons.  particularly the Black ones that have that special familiar contempt that they can't wait to unleash on BW.  Black on Black violence is not something that only Black men must deal with on the daily.   i will not play according to rules designed to destroy me.  verbal sexual violence/assault appears to be the fave for these a minute from a boyfriend + a period, overly emotional, super sensitive, socially engineered creatures.
this exercise- where i flip the convo whenever a wretched lost soul says the usual vulgar words to trigger the Act Right ladyboy/manchild lesson- seems to be the only time the average Black man can get that much needed clue.


for whatever the reason...the vast majority of these jokers have decided that only their personal mother or daughter(s)- if that- are worthy of respect.  with everyone else, it is open season.  i prefer to avoid these effeminate jokers...but when they refuse to flee.   i confess blasting 'em 'causes me to lose no sleep.

as long as they back + shut up.  there will be no pretense of caring.   i feel like Malcolm any means necessary- works just fine for me.  there will be no disrespect silently accepted.  nope.  stopping you in your tracks = what time it is.  all day.

a few Black men have accused me of sharing "too white" knowledge.

so if there are Black men writing + singing songs these days, about saving, uplifting + treating the daughters of the Black nation  properly...drop me an email/link.  i would love to post it + will type out all lyrics.

someone else told me to be nicer to men.  i AM prepared to do that...when to do so does not clearly = fool.  many mistake kindness for weakness.  i AM soft by nature + look forward to being able to be in chill mode.  maybe men should be nicer to me?  lol!  i know. i know.  it is always my turn;)

since White men have generally had a better handle on how to treat their womenfolk...

seeing utter chaos unleashed in white folks' camp = sign of times that rape culture is about to get turned up a notch or many.

   when white womanhood starts taking this type of hit...


then check in on convos like this:

The manosphere is a network of bloggers who refuse to put women on a pedestal as the Illuminati order them to do.
They ask difficult questions  like, "If feminism is so concerned with inequality, why doesn't it get more women to die of workplace injuries?"
They "game" young women, which is like "The Rules" except this time it's men who play hard to get. - See more at:
this excerpt cracks me so called het menfolk go right ahead + decide they want to behave like...


+ homosexuals.

these men are merely practicing homo behavior with women, first.  with theme songs:

on to the next one...on to the next one...on to the next one.  

lol! + ;(   then back to lol!  the whole bit is a foolish souls' game.  then there are the plain devils...warned about in Proverbs.

"the manosphere is a network of bloggers who refuse to put women on a pedestal as the illuminati order them to do.

they ask difficult questions like, if feminism is so concerned with inequality, why doesn't it get more women to die of workplace injuries?

they "game" young women, which is like "the rules" except this time it's men who play hard to get."


then folk act all shocked + awed when fashion week men fashions point to this as the manhood end game:

                                            as with all things...

Black folks are much farther along.  the enemy really hates US.

it would be wise for all men to take a look at Black men's image + know...

that's what the rest of ya'll got to look forward to as well.                 

it might not be so wise to destroy your help menfolk...

which is what women are created to be.

i AM on my job...since morality is the work of women.  but please know that i have minimal patience for those that seek to treat womenfolk as mules.  beasts of burden. breeders only built for disrespect.   etc. etc.  etc. 

fyi:  no healthy woman wishes for a man to worship them + feminism has resulted in double curses for womanhood of all colors.  many women are eating by the sweat of their brow.  providing for their families + playing submissive roles to menfolk that are not even trying to play traditional men roles.

as it relates to the pics...wonder why a man's mouth would need to opened like that?  hmmm...

anybody else notice menfolk are cross dressing like it is the new normal?
       i tend to agree when Makow says:

" sex belongs in the context of courtship, love, and marriage.  "gaming" women---f**king and dumping- is sick and exploitative.  the manosphere attracts many men with a chip on their shoulder which prevents them from forming a healthy relationship with women still in touch with their feminine instincts.  these bloggers seem woefully ignorant of the illuminati conspiracy and don't understand that feminism is elite social engineering designed to neuter heterosexuals and spread homosexuality."



when the damage happens to the daughters...

no one cares.  

quite a few menfolk seem to believe there are so many women +  many of US are disposable.  

quite a few modern menfolk seem to be addicted to porn + hate women/girls.  those of US that know what we are looking for/at see the signs daily.

quite a few menfolk name call the women in crisis trying desperately to figure things out.  solo oftentimes with no family support.  the baby daddies of the world dog out women the hardest.    name call in between exploiting as many said women/girls as possible.  will really fix their mouths to slam womenfolk when they have personally abandoned children.  i really don't care about these useless jokers' little sensitive feelings either.  they need to get as strong as they expect their abandoned children to be.  stat.

"slut" is a fave name to call, i notice among WM.  BM have created a cottage industry out of coming up with new hateful names +  slurs to call the abandoned in large numbers daughters of the Black nation.   what a disgrace these clowns humanity + manhood.

confession:  there is a spirit that causes me to snicker at  the clear end game quite a few menfolk have not seemed to glean.  man worship, of the spiritual variety, is not really going to work out so well for het men...


nevertheless,  i try not to indulge said snickering spirit too long.  i AM for justice + humanity;)  this is why i Stand Strong + Speak.   this is my soul/sole motivation.




if folk are not applying a spiritual aspect to all of this...
there is nothing i can say at this point to help folk.

lastly, i want to just throw out there my thoughts on a topic...that was raised earlier in the week.  

done so as a defeated means to threaten, silence, dehumanize + degrade me.

the first i ever learned of the "practice" was when reading about this madness:

those menfolk that think it advisable to sit by idly while folk come for their daughters with this madness...really will have waited too late by the time they see what the enemy to our souls has planned for the sons of all nations.

i must confess:

there goes the strong desire for me to let out wicked snickers, again.  since quite a few menfolk just refuse to do unto others...the devil is sneaking right on in the back door.


but that ain't Right;)

so i suggest that folk take a look at how they feel entitled to treat the daughters of all nations.  while het folk Love to bash/judge the gays, they may want to read what Scriptures says about sinful menfolk during the end times.  all the homo activity is not in reference to homosexual folk. 

i pray folk get familiar, then act like they know what is sown shall be reaped, as it is written.  

may more get with this program as we head on into...